Apple Cinnamon Quiche

Monday, February 8, 2010

Another try and taste experiments from me. Rupanya tidak begitu menarik but the taste is quite great.

Perhaps next time, I’ve to really be extra gentle with the dough placement in the baking tray, but for now here’s the recipe : )

Ingredients for Crust
:: White Flour
:: Pinch of Salt
:: Butter
:: Sugar
Mixed well all the ingredient using your clean finger and once you feel the ingredient is sticky enough to be shape in the baking tray you are done. Shape it well in the baking tray and place in the oven at 180 degree until its colour change to golden brown and have a slight crispy structure. Take it out and cool it down for a while.

Ingredient for filling and toppings

:: Apple ( cut into small cube)
:: Cinnamon ( powder based)
:: Brown Sugar
Cooked well the ingredient until it turn out sticky and creamy like texture. Using a spoon, place the well cooked ingredient into the crust. Sprinkle some chocolate chips to make it more appealing.

Baked in the oven again for 15 minutes just to ensure the chocolate chips dissolved a little bit into the apple cinnamon flavored filling.

Ready to be served! Sedap..cubalah ; >

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::i.e.r.a:: said...

hurmmmmm... yummylicious... sedapnyer.... tu kalau makan ngan vanilla aiskrim sedap tuh.. mcm apple crumble.. :)

Chinta Mysury said...

Ha ah la Iera, vanilla my favourite..hehe. Sumday kena belajar ngan mother Iera la pasal
pastry2 ni kan..: )