A Daisy Story

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mysury has been exposed to the world of flower ever since she was born into this delightful world, mainly because she’s has been taken care by her beloved grandmother during daytime who happen to be a very fond lover of flower and during those day, watching the grand lady nurturing those flower in her beautiful garden is the most tranquil feeling she could have –

Orchid, Jasmine , Gerberas, Roses, Morning Glory, Bougainvillea, Lilies, Cactus, and so much more that she could not recall all its name. Those were the days...Now going down the memory lane, Mysury is interested to share her favorites all time flower, if her grand lady is a lady of Jasmine, Mysury choice would be Carla Lily and Daisies, similarity of both is that it’s normally come in white, both represent strength and strong will power as it can last longer in the water once being plucked from it stems.

The character of both flower amazed her :-

*Carla Lily, a simple flower yet very elegant in manner it is being arranged, always the main focus of any arrangement and it just spoke for itself, a statement of its own.

*Daisy, a sweet looking flower that’s always a charm to anyone looking, looking pure and untouched with its white petals that overlap each other simply show that it’s a friendly flower and just fun to be with.

This week we are going to share some fact about Little Daisy this favourite flower of Mysury.

Hopefully in the next entry we shall share about Miss Carla Lily
Enjoy sum pic which has been specially search for the readers and get creative with those little daisies in hand : )

Facts About Daisies

*Daisies are named from the old Anglo-Saxon language daes eage, which means day's eye.
*Daisy is a perennial whose evergreen leaves form a basal tuft or rosette.
*In the language of flowers, Daisies are symbols of innocence.
*Daisy plants have 3 - 4 inch flower stalks.
*Daisy flower plant has a prostrate or spreading growing habit.
*The Daisy leaf texture varies and may be smooth or hairy, narrow at the base and slightly lobed.
*The Daisy flower stalks are generally longer than the leaves.
*Daisies can be propagated by division in spring or sowing seeds in spring or late autumn.
*English Daisy is a serious weed in the northwest United States.
*The Daisy flowers open at dawn and are visited by many small insects.
*Daisies are used by children to make daisy chains.
*Daisy leaves are edible and can be used in salads (now that is something!!)

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