In the mood of Green

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mysury has always belief that God created everything with reasons, reasons that sometimes we realized at the instance of our clear state of mind or sometimes reason that we somehow overlook and only realized when it happen to us.

Colors for Mysury are the most beautiful element created by God, it fills this world with wonders and beauty, remarkable sight is existed with mixtures of beautiful colors. This week topic that excites Mysury is about colors, and she’s more into green and white (her essential choice).

In her journey to create her own style of living, Mysury has personally choose green and white in her living and dining area, simply because for Mysury green is the most soothing decorating color, combining it with white the symbol of purity can create a very positive atmosphere in her home. Coincidentally, through her reading, green is always associated with money, luck, financial success and prosperity, fertility, good crops and harvest, cooperation. Well looks like Mysury has choose the right choice for her home :)

Go Green ladies !!

Some info about the green colors, for other colors reader can go to this link

Green expresses itself psychologically as human will in operation: as persistence and determination. Green is an expression of firmness and consistency. Its strength can lead to a resistance to change if it is not proven that the change will work or is warranted. Those with Green as a Primary Color value their intellect and capabilities above all else. Comfort in these areas creates a sense of personal security and self-esteem.

Green characteristics seek to increase the certainty of their own values through being assertive and requiring differences from others in intellectual areas. They are rarely settled in their countenance, since they depend upon information rather than feelings to create a sense of well-being. Green expresses the grounding of theory and data in its practical applications and creative constructs.

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