Plates & Napkins

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mysury came across to a very interesting website, which offers all about plates and napkins. Plus many more interesting table ware items that excites you. (Tips: search hit tableware design)

It’s no ordinary plates or napkins because this website offer plates and napkins that can match or suits almost all personal occasion from Birthday, Weddings, Seasonal Celebration and etc.
What is even better is that you can shops by colors, by product, or by theme. They even have a blog at which they claims as an online group of specialty e-commerce stores created to bring hard to find, unique, and high quality product to consumers worldwide. Mysury totally agree with the hard to find and unique claims.

Here in Malaysia, Mysury is quite sure to say that as at today’s date we still do not have this kind of shops / or online shops that offer this kind of stuff, it would be really great if we can have it here rite. Surely we can decorate our table with beautiful stuff that suits the mood. It will surely lift up dull to dazzling!

However, napkins that came with designs can be purchased at IKEA (the design is a bit modern, price range around RM 9.90 to RM 15.90) or you can a get a variety floral design selling at Ace Hardware or Metro Jaya under household item with price around RM 12.90 to RM 12.90 depending on the size and material thickness.
As for Mysury, she bought a green floral design, plain blue and plain red napkins from IKEA all around RM 9.90 to RM 12.90 and an English floral design from ACE Hardware at the price of RM 15.90

Why not check it out, at your own pleasure at
Here are some pictures taken from the website.

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Eti Karim said...

Hi Mysury,
I stumbled on your blog when I was googling for jc penny malaysia's online web address.

Your blog is such a sweet sweet blog. I have been blogging for sometime, and have always wanted and still unable to fine a niche of topic to concentrate on, but instead I've been rambling about everything and nothing in particular. Your blog is very focused and cute. Will drop by often from now on. Will even add a link in mine.

Chinta Mysury said...

Hello there nkarim,
thks you so much for the most motivating comments, I tried to access ur blog but its seems like it kinda of block to your purpose i guess ; )

A'way thank you for adding me in your link and welcome!